- Riemann integral
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Riemann integral — In the branch of mathematics known as real analysis, the Riemann integral, created by Bernhard Riemann, was the first rigorous definition of the integral of a function on an interval. While the Riemann integral is unsuitable for many theoretical… … Wikipedia
Riemann-Integral — Das Riemann Integral ist eine nach dem deutschen Mathematiker Bernhard Riemann benannte Methode zur Präzisierung der anschaulichen Vorstellung des Flächeninhaltes zwischen der x Achse und dem Graphen einer Funktion. Der riemannsche… … Deutsch Wikipedia
riemann integral — noun Usage: usually capitalized R : a definite integral defined as the limit of sums found by partitioning the interval comprising the domain of definition into subintervals, by finding the sum of products each of which consists of the width of a … Useful english dictionary
Riemann integral — Math. integral (def. 8a). [1910 15; named after G. F. B. RIEMANN] * * * … Universalium
Riemann integral — Rie′mann in tegral n. math. integral 7), a) • Etymology: 1910–15; after G. F. B. Riemann … From formal English to slang
Riemann integral — noun Date: 1914 a definite integral defined as the limit of sums found by partitioning the interval comprising the domain of definition into subintervals, by finding the sum of products each of which consists of the width of a subinterval… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Integral — This article is about the concept of integrals in calculus. For the set of numbers, see integer. For other uses, see Integral (disambiguation). A definite integral of a function can be represented as the signed area of the region bounded by its… … Wikipedia
Riemann-Stieltjes integral — In mathematics, the Riemann Stieltjes integral is a generalization of the Riemann integral, named after Bernhard Riemann and Thomas Joannes Stieltjes. DefinitionThe Riemann Stieltjes integral of a real valued function f of a real variable with… … Wikipedia
Riemann , (Georg Friedrich) Bernhard — (1826–1866) German mathematician Riemann was born at Breselenz in Germany and, before studying mathematics in earnest, studied theology in preparation for the priesthood at his father s request. Fortunately he was able to persuade his father, a… … Scientists
integral — integrality, n. integrally, adv. /in ti greuhl, in teg reuhl/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or belonging as a part of the whole; constituent or component: integral parts. 2. necessary to the completeness of the whole: This point is integral to his… … Universalium
Riemann-Zerlegung — Eine Riemann Zerlegung ist ein Paar einer Familie von Stützstellen ξ0 bis und Zwischenstellen α1 bis , die ein Intervall [a,b], folgendermaßen zerlegt … Deutsch Wikipedia